ensemble: Fl (Picc.), Cl, Bsn, 1 Perc, Pno, 2 Vl, Vla, Vc, Cb
Duration: 10′
Written: 2021
Premiere: June 16, 2022, Ars Nova Ensemble, Budapest Music Center, Budapest.
Program notes:
The origins of this piece may seem far afield, but let me explain it.
In 2019, the Hungarian xtro realm group published a book, titled extrodaesia. This fascinating short encyclopedia contains theoretical entries as well as poetic and prosaic texts exploring the possibility of a post-human, post-anthropocentric state. At the same time I was reading Kierkegaard’s Prayers, and strangely enough, I found much in common in the two books. Both criticize the central role of the human experience in understanding the world – extrodasia from a secular, Kierkegaard from a theological position.
In writing this work my goal was to capture something from the reading experience of these volumes. The piece contains five sections.The section titled Gaia is named after the Greek Deity of the Earth. It begins in shadows focusing on murky colours. In Machine Soul I depict our over-digitized environment. Prayer 1 is a supplication inspired by Kierkegaard. Anthropocene is the exploration of a possible future landscape. What will be the future of our human culture? The piece ends openly with Prayer 2 leaving the question to be answered by the listeners. My work was born out of fear and trembling, as well as faith and hope. I invite you to reflect on this question and find your own, personal connection to itE